
Our worship is the sound of a community centred around the Presence of Jesus: not polished, or perfectly pulled-off, but the raw, beautiful harmony of a diverse family completely devoted to Jesus. Within our worship is the sound of communion – we sing out our love songs to the Lord, because He first loved us. The songs we sing are runways to the off-the-line spaces we are passionate to pursue – where we find the song He is singing over us, the way He is moving in the room and we get swept up in Him, the reality of His Nature, His Goodness, Kindness and Love.

Click on the album cover above to listen


worship album

We had it on our hearts to gather a collection of our worship songs that we recorded at home (some live takes and some tracked) for our church community worship times while we were all keeping safe and unable to gather during the Covid19 pandemic. This album is a summary of our journey as a community over the past two years and comes from our passion for pursuing the Lord's heart in songwriting for our community. These songs are worship moments that will lead you deep into His peace and presence. Our prayer is that as you listen you will encounter the goodness and nearness of Jesus. He is everything for our every need and He never gives up on us" - Sean and Jannine Williams and The Collective Worship Team

We would like to give special thanks to the incredibly talented Tracie Du Toit for the album artwork. Tracie's artistic touch is woven deep in the fabric of The Collective Church community. To see more of what Tracie does you can find her at www.traciedutoit.com